Friday, February 2, 2024

The Good Old Days

 I ran across a post about this item last week.  It's called a Bucket-a-Day.  This item played a daily part of my husband's life as he was growing up in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania.  Coal was the most used heating fuel for homes in this part of the state.  These little burners were used to heat water in the home.  Even as recently as the 1970's, when I first met my husband, he would have to put coal into the Bucket a day to heat water so he could take a bath for our weekly date nights.  And imagine how much hot water a family with 7 children would use!  The Bucket a day's chores did not end there because after the coal that was burned was used up, the Bucket a day had to be emptied of the coal ash which remained.  The ashes would be picked up by your garbage hauler each week which you had to take to the curb in ash cans.  The ashes did have others uses, most commonly as a non skid material to sprinkle on your sidewalks after shoveling snow.  Some people kept an ash can full in the trunk of their car in case they became stuck on a snowy or icy road.  Just put some ashes around the tires for traction and, hopefully, away you went.  

And don't think the work involved with coal in your home ended there.  In order to heat your home, there would be a coal furnace, usually in the basement.  Also homes needed a place to store all of the coal that was delivered periodically, usually by the ton.  That would be the coal bin that was located where there would be easy access to a small window into which the coal was then able to be transferred from the coal man's dump truck.  This was done by running a metal chute from the truck into the small window of the coal bin.  The coal would then be easily accessed inside the home. Just like the Bucket a day, the furnace needed to be filled with coal to provide the heat for the home, one shovel full at a time. And emptied of ashes as well.  Lots of ash cans to haul to the curb in the winter on trash day.  


Examples of Bucket-A-Days

coal ash cans

Filling the furnace with coal

Octopus Furnace


Coal Ad

Coal Trucks delivering coal

Notice the small window in the foundation of the house on the right. Some homes had a cast iron hinged door to cover the opening.

Here is a link to You Tube of coal being delivered. The sound of the coal slipping down the chute brings back alot of childhood memories. It was always an event when the coal was delivered.  And anthracite coal makes your house a nice kind of warm. Our house had radiators and it was a favorite place to sit after coming in from the cold.

And here is a great description of having coal in your home.


Please give credit and post a link to my blog if you intend to use any of the information written here. My blog posts are © Ann M Sinton 2024. All rights reserved.


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