Saturday, January 29, 2022

Week 5: Branching Out (52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks)

 In week 2, I mentioned loving to find out how different people in my tree are related to seemingly unrelated other people in my tree.  An awkward way of describing this week's branching out theme.  It might be more like a tangled web or roots.  But to me, branching out is when I begin to investigate the families of an in law, a friend or a cousin's spouse or someone who has the same surname as one in my tree or even some famous individual or historical event.  And DNA matches, that I think is a whole other week's topic.  But the list goes on and on.   It seems the more I do this, the more connections I find.  It can be quite amazing to me how many connections there are.  Most of the time, I need to go way back to find them.  Sometimes it's just a marriage between this one's cousin and that one's cousin.    Other times we share a common ancestor.  My husband poo poos this as not related but I believe in the thought that we are all related.  We just don't know how unless we look. And therein lies my interest.  The fun is in the search and solving the HOW.  

The first unexpected connection that I uncovered was that my husband and I were 7th cousins thru shared ancestors named Robert(1616-1683)  & Sarah Allyn(1620-1683). Our 8th great grandparents, Robert and Sarah were both born in England and came over to America probably separately, Robert about 1637 to Salem, Massachusetts.  They married sometime between 1638 and 1641. My husband descends from two of their 5 children and I descend from 1 of their other children.  The family settled in New London county, Connecticut where both Robert and Sarah died.  

Happy Hunting!

Please give credit and post a link to my blog if you intend to use any of the information written here. My blog posts are © Ann M Sinton 2022. All rights reserved. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is amazing that you and your husband are 7th cousins through shared ancestors. I haven't found any connections like that yet in my family tree but I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were some. This is such an endlessly fascinating hobby isn't it?



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