Saturday, February 12, 2022

Neighborhood Getting Busy

 12 Feb 2022

One of my interests is nature. I love when it comes into my yard in ways that are not frequent or usual.  Over the years our yard has seen many Wild Turkeys. Usually in small groups but today they broke our yard record.  I lost track at 40 while trying to count them.  I had a great vantage point to watch but not for photos. I will have to remove the window screen I guess.  One other time, years ago, we had 40 as well.  The last few days have seen the snow melting. You could almost see the excitement in the turkeys pecking around for whatever it is that they look for.  They moved on fast tho. I hope they come back again.  With this many turkeys around there will sure to be a few battles among the males as mating season starts.  

Today's photos

We have a few good turkey stories from years past.  So speaking of battles, a few years ago, we had a street fight. Two toms had their necks wrapped around each other and were oblivious to everything else in the street.  This went on for at least a half an hour.  It was actually quite comical looking at times but dead serious.  I do not know how it ended as the toms wrangled themselves into a yard where I could not see them anymore. Other than  a few scuffles, I had never witnessed this before and haven't since.  

When love is in the air, sometimes confusion can set in.  One spring, a tom decided that his reflection in the bumper of our truck was of interest.  He would look at himself and peck the bumpers.  It got so bad that he would get up on the truck cab roof as if to claim it as all his.  We had the scratch marks to show for it.  We were hesitant to go out and chase him because he could have chased us back.  Better to just watch and be entertained.

Turkeys like our bird feeders too.  Who me?

Please give credit and post a link to my blog if you intend to use any of the information written here. My blog posts are © Ann M Sinton 2022. All rights reserved. 

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